Getting things done quickly at home can sometimes prove to be quite a task so in order to make the most of the limited but precious time that you have: set clear goals, keep your to-do list handy, avoid procrastination, prioritize & delegate tasks and above all keep it simple and have fun.
When it comes to Goal Setting, you have to have clear, realistic & timely
goals. It’s important that you have a clear direction and a set purpose - know
what you want to do and how you plan on getting things done.
Here a few things to consider while you are goal setting:
Make a list of your tasks It’s easier than storing them all in your head. That way you won’t be focused on trying to remember them all and you can now shift your focus on getting them done.
Making a list of things-to-do helps bring order to the chaos and makes the job at hand more manageable.
You can check the items off the list as you go along.
photo courtesy of LucasTheExperience
Ok! So for some time now you have been putting off organizing your desk or organizing your office space at home . I know you probably can think of nicer and more fun ways of spending your time, but trust me, you will be happy you got off the couch and attacked that task.
The age old saying goes, “Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today.” I assure you, the pile of stuff to be organized won’t go away if you close your eyes and turn away – as a matter of fact, the pile just might get bigger.
As Nike said: “Just Do It!” - the time to deal with these tasks is now.
photo courtesy of MrPessimist
A few tips to help you overcome procrastination
When it comes to home organization, you have to prioritize to ensure that you are doing the task that really needs to get done. If you know the job is to wash the dishes in the sink and re-organize the dishes in the cupboard, do not stop mid-way to organize the magazines on the coffee table.
Treat the job with the importance it deserves.
Don’t be afraid to break the
project into smaller more manageable parts but ensure that you start with
critical tasks first.
Share the love ! Delegate where possible.
Get the kids or your spouse involved. Have a small family meeting and include them in the process (even if you already know what tasks you plan to assign). If they feel like they are involved in the process, they will be more willing to help getting things done and continue helping.
Prepare a weekly chart so everyone does not lose sight of their role in keeping the home organized. Let the kids be responsible for the lighter chores – especially the ones that resulted from the mess they made. This helps them to be more responsible.
Use it as a chance for you and your spouse to spend more time together, rub elbows and get closer.
Organize room by room. Don’t turn the house upside down & make the project overwhelming.
Stay focused by paying attention to your to-do list.
Whistle while you work. Turn on your favorite music & dance while you clean (this will also help you burn some calories).
Whatever you do when getting things done, make it fun. You’ll be done
before you know it.
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